Monday, October 27, 2008


Wade bought me Weezer tickets for my B-Day. It was so Awesome. That is one of the great things about living in a big town like Houston all the bands stop here. I have loved Weezer for so long. I am glad they came to Houston in concert who knows how much longer they will be around. Angels and Airwaves also toured with them and I was really excited to see them as well, however after listening to them I was a little dissapointed I thought they would have stuck with more punk rock like Blink 182

Wade and I pretending to be young again. Wade and I had to go sit down between Angels and Airwaves and Weezer. Our feet hurt, and my back was hurting afterwards. I thought that wasn't supposed to happen for another 15 years.

This was us driving in the car to the show. I was so excited.


Heather said...


Me said...

Happy Birthday! WEEEEEEZEEEERRRRR!!Yehaw! j/k That sounds fun. It is so fun to read your posts.

Johnson Family said...

That looks like fun. I love the picture of you on the way in the car you look so excited in true Kristy form, and your hair looks really good! Good picture of you! I will just comment here about the posts below also.... your kids are sooooo stinkin' cute I can't wait to see you guys. When will you be here?

Castaneda 5 said...

Happy Birthday! hahaha you were just excited to be kid free! Lucky! And you guys are young still! I know what you mean though. I feel older than I am sometimes too. Glad you had fun!

Da home of Reeves said...

Happy Birhday what a fun Birthday! Your family is so cute!

K said...

oh man, I'm so jealous!!! Looks awesome, girl! This is Kali, by the way. Email me and I'll add you to my blog, if ya want (lafsalott at that hot place). =)

M:A:R:A said...

OMgosh!!!! I'm sooo Jealous I LOVE LOVE LOVE WEEZER I've loved em ever since 7th grade!!!

Angie said...

We were thinking about you that night. How was Angels and Airwaves as openers? We're big fans of these guys. :)

lynette said...

i miss my young, hip friend!

Ali said...

Hey! You need to update with some Carson City pictures! Hurry up already...ha ha! Kidding! :-)