Friday, October 3, 2008

Baby Ande 3 months old!

Here Is Ande he turned 3 months on Sept 19th. I'm a little late posting. I'm playing catch up right now. I am sure he has already doubled his birth weight, but we will find out for sure the end of this month. I wish I could say he was sleeping through the night, but he is not. He was doing pretty good for a couple nights sleeping up to 6 hours at a time, but that all went down the toilet. In fact the last couple nights has been about every 2 hours . He is such a happy baby, he smiles all the time. He gets most excited in the mornings when he first wakes up, he kicks his legs uncontrollably and flairs his arms around, all with a big smile on his face. I love it. It always makes me laugh, which is amazing I can still smile that early in the morning with little to no sleep. I bought this baby einstien play mat which he just loves. He is reaching for the toys and if by some miracle he is able to grab it, there is no letting go he is hanging onto that toy for dear life, I would to if I had just spent the last 15 min staring at it and working so hard to get it. I know he is only 3 months but he may be teething already, either that or I am going to have one of those kids that slobbers everywhere. He naws on his little hand all the time (note the picture below). I'll sometimes wash my hands and let him bite on my fingure, he likes that too. It makes me a little nervouse if he is teething since I am still nursing and I am so afraid of getting bitten while feeding. He is doing much better about keeping his head up. He has also started to laugh, not a whole lot but in short little outbursts which sounds so funny. It actually doesn't even really sound like a laugh, but I'm his mother and I say it's a laugh!!! He brings so much joy into our home, I feel so blessed everyday to have not only Ande, but Brenen and Emily in our family.


Heather said...

What a big boy! I'm surprised he's not sleeping all night. He is so cute. You should put some video of him laughing on here.

Angie said...

He is one of the cutest babies ever! I know I say this all of the time, but I totally mean it.

Hang in there, hopefully sooner than later, he'll start sleeping through the night. It took Carter forever, I think almost 5 months. Maybe it has something to do with nursing. Sounds like I need to bring you a pepsi. Good Luck!

Me said...

He is adorable! I love hearing about all the fun stuff.

Me said...

He is adorable! I love hearing about all the fun stuff.