Sunday, August 31, 2008


Thursday evening Brenen went out to ride his bike. He was trying to do tricks on his bike. ( He just learned to ride his bike without training wheels a couple weeks ago) He fell off and got a little scrape on the side of his face (The opposite side of this picture) he hit his head really hard on the ground and said that he was feeling dizzy. I put him on the couch and gave him some juice and he was watching cartoons. I came in to check on him and he couldn't remember walking into the house or that he had even fallen off his bike. Wade was almost home, I was planning on taking him into the hospital since he couldn't remember what had happened. Wade came home and Brenen started to remember that he had fallen and he was telling Wade about it. So I didn't take him in. He put his shoes on and said he wanted to go ride his bike again. I didn't want to say no, because I didn't want him to be afraid to ride his bike. Well, I should have said no, because 30min. after he went out THIS happened. He was riding his bike really fast down the street and hit a basket ball that had rolled out into the street, he flew over his handle bars and landed right on his face. I was at the other end of the street with the baby. The kids came running up saying Brenen was bleeding all over his face. I ran down and yeah there was blood, and my poor boy laying in the street crying. I was panicky and the first thing I thought was to pick him up. But I wanted to make sure nothing was broken, after assessing the situation I picked him up and took him home. (Wade started school and was at the college for orientation) I cleaned him up and made him stay awake for a couple hours, even though he was tired and wanted to sleep, I told him he could stay home the next day. He woke up Friday and said he didn't want to go to school because he was afraid his teacher would get mad at him for his face looking the way it did (??????????) I said no she will be sad you got hurt. Then he said okay I want to go to school. I sent a note to the teacher telling her what happend and that if he seems tired or sore to call me and I would come pick him up. He made it the whole day at school. And I think he liked the attention he got. Also he does have helmet but wasn't wearing it. We have since told him if he doesn't wear his helmet we'll take his bike away. I feel like wrapping my kids up in bubble wrap before sending them outside. Maybe I will.


Heather said...

Oh poor Brenen! That does look horrible. I know what you mean by bubble wrap. I want that and ear plugs when I send my kids out. I just want them to be my babies forever - well, not really. :D Glad he did well enough to go to school. How scary for you though.

Kevin and Natali McKee said...

Oh my goodness! How painful! That poor thing.

Me said...

So Sad about the fall but funny that he thought his teacher would be mad about the way he looked!

lynette said...

When I saw the picture I thought he had been hit by a car! Poor kid! Use lots of Mederma!

K said...

oh dear! That's horrible! How sad....sweet lil boy!

PS, if you send me your email addy, I can add you to my blog.

Miss ya, Kali

lafsalott at gee male.


Tui said...

Hey Kristy and Wade...thanks for stopping by the ol' Tuiaana blog. Holy cow, I forgot you guyz existed until you left a comment...what the crud are you guys up to now?? Do you guys have 6 or 7 kids now? Is Wade still a computer geek? ha

Kevin and Natali McKee said...

I loved your comment on my blog. I got a good laugh from that :)

Ali said...

Hi Kristi! Glad we finally got hooked up. Your mom was telling me about this accident today at church. Poor guy! Road rash has seriously got to be one of the worst things. He is so brave though! Love the blog. I was cracking up about Emily's doll! That is hilarious!!!

Keri said...

hey im glad we have found eachother in the internet world. LOL poor brenen. thats gotta hurt.

Johnson Family said...

Kristy I had no idea you had a blog! Yeah now we can better keep in touch. My blog is blocked so send me an email so I can put you on the invite list. Poor Brenen it is so sad to see your kids hurt isn't it. I can't believe how big your kids are getting they are so cute, and your baby soooooo cute congrats. I am so excited to be able to keep in touch again I have missed you.

Beautiful Disaster said...

Ok I justbawled my eyes out! Your poor little guy! and I can't believe you have a clone!Em look just like you! I'm jealous.

Precious Images Photography said...

Your blog is cute